Monday, May 7, 2012

Make Up ke Majlis Malam dan Siang

It has been a month.. more or less that I last updated this blog. Busy? May be yes..may be no..or maybe just lazy hehehe.  Sometimes doing too many things at a time can just make you stop thinking and want to do nothing.  But one thing i cant stop doing is make up..make up. I just love the words Make and up hehehe.  Okay newest job that i got recently is from Ajue.  She called and told me that she need to attend a wedding ceremony on saturday night. so i said "my pleasure"... Unlucky for me because i did not take much pic of her during the make up process here are some pics that she send to me through her phone during the ceremony. Blurrr a bit la..tapi still sweet kan..kan.. :)

Actually the close up look before fully done is like below...

This was on Saturday.  So she told me she need another make up on Sunday for her brother in law engagement ceremony. I was so pleased indeed....hehehehe.. another job. So this time i decided to take some photos of her at her place after the make up. So here it is......The Lovely Girl in Orange.

And the next thing i know she is in Metro Newspaper today...posing with her family members.  :)  I'm looking forward for the next job :)  

And for the rest of you out there who need Make Up Artist..going anywhere...or any occassion, you can call me
016-6265664 (Qiss) for arrangement.

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